Administrative records for the Environmental Model Committee, including meeting minutes; reports; policies; research on green building, green energy, emissions, and wind feasibility; media coverage of campus sustainability activities; and audits of utilities and campus sustainability efforts.
The collection contains primarily political, military, and commemorative ephemera, including but not limited to pins, ribbons, buttons, cuff links, and medals.
Business correspondence, legal papers, receipts, notes and bills concerning the sale of cattle, goods and slaves from South Carolina to Texas. Included also are Confederate States' exchange certificates. Bishop held a patent for river dredging machinery and a segment of the papers concerns his marketing of this equipment after the Civil War.
Ephraim Kirby No. 75 O. E. S. "Your Household Guide," Arethusa Farm calendar, Tip Top Stores Christmas toy catalog (1948), The Lure of the Litchfield Hills (1944 Dec)
The records consist of correspondence, minutes, publications, and other materials created or received by Robert B. Meyer, Jr., as a member of the Governing Board and Development Committee of the Episcopal Church at Yale.
The records in this collection primarily document the ECFSA's work in relation to Namibia. The ECFSA has served as a link between Anglicans in Southern Africa and people in the United States by publishing a newsletter, issuing news releases, sponsoring public meetings, preparing and publishing special reports, sponsoring speaking and study tours for Southern Africans, raising funds to support education and provide relief in Southern Africa, and providing aid and counsel to visiting Southern Africans. The organization has encouraged its supporters to contact U.S. political leaders regarding crucial issues.