The collection contains financial records, notes, photographs, plans and related materials documenting the development of Sunset Estates in East Hartford, Connecticut.
The Crawford Cheney Collection, 1919-1938, contains correspondence, clippings, photographs, sketches and realia related to the life and work of Crawford Cheney and his family.
The collection consists of playbills and programs, photographs in a variety of formats, engravings, posters, clippings, and other printed material which document the performing arts in the United States and throughout the world from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Material relating to dramatic performance forms the nucleus of the collection, but dance, opera, motion picture, circus, radio, and television performances are also represented.
The collection includes correspondence, research notes, recorded interviews and interview transcripts, and drafts of C. Ray Smith's unpublished manuscript, entitled The Biography of a Building: Paul Rudolph's Art and Architecture Building at Yale. It also includes site and structural information about the building itself, as well as a questionnaire for Yale School of Architecture alumni, designed by Smith, regarding their impressions of the building.
In the late 1960s, the University experienced significant changes, disruption and unrest among the faculty and student body. The white paper provides some documentation and background for this period.
Portraits created by Will Wilson of Native American artists, arts professionals, and leaders as well as others, 2012-2018. Wilson created the images using a wet plate collodion process that produced tintypes on sheets of aluminum. He then gave the tintypes to the sitters after he created high-resolution digital scans of the objects. The 303 inkjet prints in the collection derive from the digital scans of the tintypes.
The materials consist of bound lists documenting books reserved at the Cross Campus Library for courses taught at Yale, a scrapbook, and memorabilia documenting the Cross Campus Library.
Yale University. Department of Chemical Engineering
Abstract Or Scope
The records consist of subject files and reports maintained by Csaba Horvath, chair of the Yale Department of Chemical Engineering. The records document departmental affairs, undergraduate chemical engineering courses, and graduate students.