Correspondence, notes, writings, photographs, and slides document Burrows' life and work. Millar Burrows (1889-1980) was Winkley Professor of Biblical Theology at Yale from 1934 to 1958.
These papers document Bates' career as a missionary, academic, and author. They also include an extensive collection of information for his book on Christian effort in Chinese society from 1900 to 1950, which he was in the process of writing at the time of his death. There are over 3,000 pages of drafts for this book included in the collection. The papers include correspondence, notes, writings, and printed material related to Bates' work in Nanking, China, particularly his role in relief work during World War II. Miner Searle Bates (1897-1978) was educated at Hiram College (B.A., 1916), Oxford University (B.A., 1919; M.A., 1920), and Yale University (Ph.D., 1935). He was a missionary, professor of history at the University of Nanking, China from 1920-1950, organizing member of Nanking International Safety Zone Committee and chairman of Nanking International Relief Committee, 1939-1941, and professor of missions, Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1950-1965.
The Miscellaneous Personal Papers record group is an open collection consisting of the correspondence, diaries, writings and/or other papers and memorabilia of various individuals. This collection contains papers of individuals who were Yale faculty members, alumni/ae, clergy, ecumenical workers, or missionaries in areas other than China.
This collection includes a wide range of missionary ephemera, including artifacts, calendars, cards, children's materials, games, maps, posters, stamps, photographs, and lantern slides.
The collection includes more than 25,000 missionary postcards. These postcards were produced by mission sending agencies and distributed throughout Europe and America with the intent of promoting support for the missions' work and providing information about non-Western peoples and customs.
Sermons, writings, and memorabilia document the life and work of prominent Presbyterian minister Morgan Phelps Noyes. Noyes was a 1914 graduate of Yale University, received an honorary D.D. from Yale in 1938, and was a member of the Yale University Corporation from 1945 to 1959. He served served churches in New York and New Jersey from 1920 to 1957 and was Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York from 1945 to 1951.
Medical missionary William Reginald Morse and his wife Anne (Anna) Crosse Kinney Morse served under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society in China from 1909 to 1937. Substantive correspondence describes the daily life and work of the Morses, their travels, medical practice and education in China, and the turbulent political and social situation in China during this era. The Morses were based primarily Chengdu, Sichuan Province and at the West China Union University.
The collection primarily documents Stuart's professional work as a Congregational minister (1806-1810) and professor at Andover Theological Seminary (1810-1848).
National Association of College and University Chaplains
Abstract Or Scope
Administrative records, publications, and conference records document the work of the National Association of College and University Chaplains. The National Association of College and University Chaplains and Directors of Religious Life (NACUC) is the interfaith professional community of chaplains, rabbis, deans of chapel, and other personnel appointed by academic institutions to be responsible for the religious program of the academic community. It was founded in a national conference convened by Clarence Shedd which met at Yale University in 1948. Since then, NACUC has met annually throughout the country.