Correspondence, manuscript accounts, printed bills of lading completed in manuscript, and other manuscript documents of Sir John Chardin, his wife, Lady Chardin, his brother, Daniel Chardin, and others. Most letters and documents are bound in volumes; also present are a few unbound items. Many letters and documents relate to India and the East India Company, including items concerning Thomas Pitt, Elihu Yale, Alvarez de Fonseca, and Nicolo Manuchi. Accompanied by brief notes of a former owner.
The John Chipman Farrar Papers consist of correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, personal papers, and printed material relating to the personal and professional life of John Chipman Farrar, and to a lesser degree, his wife Margaret Petherbridge Farrar, between 1916 and 1974. The Papers also document the publishing firms Farrar and Rinehart and Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. A number of authors' correspondence and drafts are included in the Papers.
The John C. Wilson papers consist of scrapbooks, photographs, and other material documenting the life and work of American producer and director John C. Wilson.
Collection, including playscripts, production files, and printed materials, documenting the professional collaboration between American theater producer and director John C. Wilson and British playwright Noel Coward.
The collection contains writings, lecture notes, syllabi, research notes and notebooks and other materials documenting the scholarly career of American philosopher John Daniel Wild. In particular, the papers concern Wild's work on aspects of Phenomenology and Existentialism during the last decades of his career.
Collection consists primarily of over 1000 letters to John Drinkwater from various persons, with six letters from Drinkwater (four of them carbons or drafts of letters), two manuscript poems ("Malediction" and "Spectral"), one essay ("Poetry of the Seventies") and one playscript, "Mary Stuart." Some letters addressed to Kathleen Walpole Drinkwater. Principal correspondents include Gordon Bottomley, Ernest De Selincourt, Arthur J. Gaskin,Edmund Gosse, E. V. Lucas, John Masefield, Alan Monkhouse, Harold Monro, Sir William Rothenstein, Albert Daniel Rutherston, and Joseph Southall. Collection accompanied by summaries of the letters to Drinkwater.
Correspondence and research files. Correspondence includes letters to Lane, with copies of some of his replies, regarding the Beaumont Medical Club, and in response to articles by Lane on William Henry Carmalt, Jean-Francois Coste, Robert Willan, and other subjects. Research files include articles, clippings and notes, in folders entitled "Medical History - General","Medical History - France - École de Médicine, Montpellier", "Medical History - France - St. Louis Hospital, Paris", "Medicine in the American colonies", "Quacks and Quackery"; notes about the subjects of his papers; and three folders of caricatures and cartoons, primarily in French, about medicine and doctors.
Contains letters from Galsworthy to various people, including John Drinkwater, Henry Albert Phillips, and Geza Silberer; and writings of Galsworthy, including "The Silver Box" and "Strife."
The collection consists of the personal and official papers of John G. Brady documenting early missionary work in Alaska, the history and political and economic development of Alaska, and Brady's life and career. There are early 20th century publications by Alaskan government bodies and missionary groups, as well as the public records of the City of Sitka. Included are photographs, negatives, and glass lantern slides of Alaskan scenery and subjects, native Alaskans, and Brady's family.