Collection contains correspondence, writings, clippings, and other materials documenting the life of author Hermann Hagedorn. Correspondence in the collection consists of letters to and from family, friends, other writers, publishers, scholars, and well-known political and cultural figures from the first half of the twentieth century. Noteworthy correspondents include Stephen Vincent Benét, Albert Einstein, Robert Frost, Percy MacKaye, Ezra Pound, Edwin Arlington Robinson, and Albert Schweitzer, as well as Theodore ("Teddy"), Franklin D., and Eleanor Roosevelt. Writings include drafts and research materials for articles, plays, poems, short stories, speeches, and biographical works. In addition, there are clippings on Hagedorn and reviews of his literary and biographical works. Other materials include medals, music, photographs, printed materials, and a scrapbook
The Liebert Autograph Collection contains chiefly British (as well as other European and American) historical and literary manuscripts and autographs, including items by James Boswell, Jr., Sir Joseph Banks, Marie Corelli, Eugene V. Debs, Camille Pissarro, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Henry Huxley, Samuel Johnson, Ouida, and Alfred Tennyson. The Liebert Correspondence consists of letters written to Liebert by Ian Fleming, Beverly Nichols, John Cowper Powys, and Thornton Wilder.
Collection contains correspondence and other materials relating to the family of American novelist and author John Hersey. Correspondence contains letters from John Hersey and members of the Hersey and Baird families. There are letters from John Hersey to his parents dating from his graduate studies in Cambridge, England, in 1936 and 1937, to dispatches written as a war correspondent, in 1942, while in the South Pacific. Other materials include various family papers, such as John's school books, a copy of his undergraduate thesis, "The Letters of John Trumbull," clippings and printed ephemera, photographs, and manuscript notes by Roscoe Monroe Hersey. Photograph albums contain images of China, circa 1907 and 1908, the Hersey family, and France in WWI, and a scrapbook documents the lives of Hersey children, starting in 1912
Contains letters from Piozzi to various people, including Thomas Cadell, William Augustus Conway, and Penelope Pennington; one letter from William Seward that is addressed to Henry Thrale but written to Piozzi; and a manuscript version of Piozzi's poem, "The Three Warnings."
The Hezekiah Howe Papers consist of fifteen bound volumes of manuscript records documenting three bookselling firms in New Haven, Connecticut, in which Howe was partner or owner: Beers & Howe, Howe & DeForest, and Hezekiah Howe & Co. The volumes include four bookshop inventories (1812, 1815, 1832, 1835) and four letter books (1811-1818 and 1833-1838), with financial records consisting of two ledgers (1829-1837), two journals (1831-1838), a day book (1832-1841), and two waste books (1832-1841).
The H. F. Broch de Rothermann Papers are composed primarily of correspondence which documents the life and career of the Austrian writer Hermann Broch, the father of Hermann Friedrich Broch de Rothermann. The collection spans the years 1916 to circa 2001, with the bulk of the material falling between 1953 and 1986. Major topics include republication of Hermann Broch's writings, Broch scholarship, and other aspects of the reception history of Broch's works. Also present are materials relating to Broch de Rothermann's work in the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II, writings and drawings by Broch de Rothermann, and other papers relating to him. Papers relating to the OSS include reports on the development and effectiveness of propaganda, American support for resistance in areas occupied by Germany, American occupation of Italy and Germany, and interrogation of German soldiers and other prisoners by the American army; samples of military and civilian propaganda in German, Italian, French, Russian, and other languages; correspondence and documents about Broch de Rothermann's service, discharge, and return to the United States after the war; and a photograph of unidentified soldiers, possibly including Broch de Rothermann. Propaganda samples include drawings made by artist Saul Steinberg.
Letters and documents concerning Hill's activities as ambassador to the Hague and envoy to the Savoy. Also includes letters from James Bateman regarding financial matters and political appointments; from James Cressett regarding Cressett's work as a diplomat; from George Dolman regarding the naval maneuvers of the frigate, Lyme, of which Dolman was captain; and from Richard Powys regarding the passing of Hill's bills at the Treasury.
The H. L. Mencken Collection consists of writings, correspondence, and other material by and relating to the American author H. L. Mencken. Works documented in the collection include early poems, short works of opinion and journalism, and longer books such as The American Language (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1919) and Treastise on the Gods (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1930). Writings consist of drafts in various stages, setting manuscripts, and proofs, many of which are corrected. Several manuscripts are signed and inscribed by Mencken to journalist and collector Bradford F. Swan. Correspondence is chiefly outgoing and relates to the themes that are prominent in Mencken's writings (American politics, language, and society) as well as to the business of Mencken's writing. In addition to writings and correspondence by Mencken, the collection includes writings about Mencken, particularly the work of Margaret Lappin, sister of his longtime secretary, Rosalind Lohrfinck.
Correspondence and writings by and about H. M. Tomlinson. Tomlinson's correspondents include William McFee, James T. Babb, and Eugene Saxon. There is office correspondence and memos from Harper & Brothers' office files relating to Tomlinson, and letters to James T. Babb and John Archer Gee about Tomlinson. Writings include typescript drafts, with corrections, of All Our Yesterdays, Gallion's Reach, as well as autograph manuscripts and typescripts of various essays.