Sillitoe, Ruth, 1988-1994 Box 10, Folder 503 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Correspondence, 1944-1999GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE
Siman keriah, 1973 May Box 68, Folder 1909 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Printed Materials, 1950-1999PERIODICALSMifgash
"Simhah sheketah be-ihur," English translation, printed version, n.d. Box 29, Folder 1066 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Yehuda Amichai, 1952-1999POETRYIndividual poems
Simkin, Ariel Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Others, 1962-1998
Sirat, René-Samuel, n.d. Box 10, Folder 504 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Correspondence, 1944-1999GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE
"Siyum shel shir," draft, holograph, n.d. Box 29, Folder 1067 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Includes "ha-Zihronot" view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Yehuda Amichai, 1952-1999POETRYIndividual poems
Sjöstrand, Östen, 1982 Jul 24 Box 10, Folder 505 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Correspondence, 1944-1999GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE
Skirah hadashot, 1988 Box 69, Folder 1910 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Printed Materials, 1950-1999PERIODICALSMifgash
Sklarew, Myra, 1980-1995, n.d. Box 10, Folder 506 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Correspondence, 1944-1999GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE
Smith, Diana Lilley to Lannan Foundation, n.d. Box 14, Folder 680 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Correspondence, 1944-1999THIRD PARTYOthers