"Readings & Interviews with Contemporary Poets," article, printed version, American Poetry Archives News , photocopy, n.d. Box 38, Folder 1305 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Others, 1962-1998Hillman, Brenda
["Reading this book.."], blurb, computer printout, n.d. Box 35, Folder 1228 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Yehuda Amichai, 1952-1999OTHER WRITINGS
Reading tour, Bankok, Thailand, 1993 Box 49, Folder 1592 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Photographs, 1929-1999EVENTS AND TRIPS
Reading tour, Bombay and New Dehli, India, 1993 Box 50, Folder 1593-1595 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Photographs, 1929-1999EVENTS AND TRIPS
Reading tour, China, 1993-1994 Box 50, Folder 1596-1597 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Photographs, 1929-1999EVENTS AND TRIPS
Reading tour, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, 1993 Box 50, Folder 1598-1600 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Photographs, 1929-1999EVENTS AND TRIPS
"Reayon im... 1996", 1996 1 Videocassette (VHS) 00:33:12 duration (HH:MM:SS.mmm) Box 99, Folder 2245, Item_barcode 39002093672260 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope A 33-minute segment of an interview with Yehuda Amichai is encoded. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Audiovisual Material, 1987-1998Moving Image MaterialVideo Recordings
"Redemptive Vision in Hebrew Literature," article, printed version, World Literature Today, n.d. Box 39, Folder 1377 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Others, 1962-1998Silberschlag, Eisig
Reform Judaism (3 copies), 1990 Box 64, Folder 1839 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Printed Materials, 1950-1999PERIODICALSEnglish
"Rega zeh," draft, holograph, n.d. Box 29, Folder 1027 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yehuda Amichai papers, 1929-2007Writings of Yehuda Amichai, 1952-1999POETRYIndividual poems