Surgeon General of the United States: Dr. David Satcher Visit, 1999 April 5-1999 April 12 Box 7, Folder 601 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of Mike Marsland, university photographer, documenting Yale University, 1977-2003
Surgery Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of events and activities, 1852-1974SchoolsMedical
"Swahili", 1952 Box 48, Folder 751 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of events and activities, 1852-1974SchoolsGraduateMaster of Arts Teaching Program
Swimming, 1967 Box 64, Folder 1003 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of events and activities, 1852-1974
Swimming, 3 pages Box 120 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Slides and transparencies, 1974-1989Volume VIII, Sports
Swimming [mm 100], 1992 August 4 Box 5, Folder 404 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of Mike Marsland, university photographer, documenting Yale University, 1977-2003Payne Whitney Gym
Swing Dance class [mm 470.1], 1998 Box 7, Folder 602 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of Mike Marsland, university photographer, documenting Yale University, 1977-2003
Swing Dorm [mm 494], 1997 Box 7, Folder 603 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of Mike Marsland, university photographer, documenting Yale University, 1977-2003
S-X, 1950-1968 Box 11, Folder 176 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of events and activities, 1852-1974Awards and Presentations
Symbols, 1980-1989 Box 10, Folder 832 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale events and activities photographs, 1852-2003Photographs of Mike Marsland, university photographer, documenting Yale University, 1977-2003Miscellaneous University PhotosPresidency of Yale: Symbols of Office