Visitor's Center Elm 149 St. Renovation - Leach Building Co. - Change Order No. 06 Final; 971023-01 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Project management records, 2004-2005
Walkway Lighting, 1976-1977 Box 8, Folder 315 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Specifications, correspondence, and other project records, 1891-19855:16, 5:17 Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges
Wall 53 AC - 3rd Floor Renovation; O4062401 Box 3, Folder 78 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Central project records for Yale University building projects, 1971-1981
WALL53 Auditorium AC, 3rd Floor Renovation; 4062401 Box 1, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Central project records for Yale University building projects, 1971-1981
WALL 53 Aud. - S Monaco, Painting and Building - Abb. Agr. For Construction Proj.; 020702-01 Box 2, Folder 76 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Project management records, 2004-2005
WALL, 53, HEAT CONVERSION, S Monaco; 010726-05 Box 3, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Project management records, 2004-2005
Wall Case Instructions, undated Box 30, Folder 1119 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Specifications, correspondence, and other project records, 1891-198520:20 Kline Chemistry Laboratory (Added to Sterling)
Wall St., 1912 Box 34, Folder 1287 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Specifications, correspondence, and other project records, 1891-1985Tunnels
Warren Webster EH Moderator Control (Heating) for Silliman College and Timothy Dwight College, 1939 Box 17, Folder 620 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Specifications, correspondence, and other project records, 1891-198512:28 Silliman College
Water and Fire Supply System, 1933 Box 189 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Yale University building project records, 1891-2007Drawings, 1912-198827:05 William Wirt Winchester Hospital