Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-5, Third floor plan., 1923 March 21-1923 June 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-6, Roof and tower floor plan., 21 Mar 1923 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-7, East elevation., 1923 March 21-1923 June 28 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-86, Porch vaulting diagram and details of tas de charge., 20 Jul 1923 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-8, South elevation., 21 Mar 1923 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody blueprint. Sheet 900-9, West elevation., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Peabody blueprints. 19 original blueprint sheets from 1923 of the Peabody Museum by architects Day and Klauder, Philadelphia, PA., 1923 March 21-1923 July 20
Peabody Museum lobby 1925. Black and white image of Peabody Museum lobby, 1925. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Miscellaneous photographs, slides, sketches and other material.
Peabody Museum under construction. Black and white photograph of Yale Peabody Museum under construction. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Miscellaneous photographs, slides, sketches and other material.
Peacock flounder. British West Indies, Grand Cayman. Dec 1978. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982Stanley N. Botwinik Slide Collection, 1968-1982Grand Cayman.
Perry Wilson Shore Diorama. Black and white photograph of Perry Wilson working on shore diorama. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale Peabody Museum Archives, 1968-1982[Untitled]Miscellaneous photographs, slides, sketches and other material.