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Evans, Roy Morgan: American Colonization Society (2 copies), 1947 Box 10A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1939-1966
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Finkenbine, Russell C.: Luther and Henry VIII (2 copies), 1946 Box 11A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1939-1966
Finlayson, Marion: Korah's rebellion: a history of interpretation, 1982 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020
Flower, Edward E., Jr.: The Significance of Divine Presence in Pastoral Care. Advisors: Edward F. Dobihal, Jr., James G. Clague, 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1975-1985
Fraser, William P.: Authority in the Theology of John Wesley (2 copies), 1951 Box 11A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1939-1966
Freeman, Luke Josiah: Change or continuity?: toleration, history, and the fruits of England's glorious revolution, 2010 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020