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Bush, Michael D.: But is it natural theology? Emil Brunner and the reformed doctrine of the knowledge of God, 1994 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020
Campbell, Charles: Christians and the American Political Process: A Study of the Relationship Between Christianity and Politics in the Thought of John Courtney Murray, John Howard Yoder, and John C. Bennett. Advisors: Margaret Farley, William Muehl, 1982 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1975-1985
Campbell, Wilbur Fred: Dwight L. Moody and Religious Education. (2 copies), 1949 Box 7A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1939-1966
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Cartwright, Colbert Scott: The Life of Joseph Bellamy, 1719-1790. (2 copies), 1950 Box 8A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1939-1966
Chang, Sok-chung: Exegetical study on 2 Kings 17: a historiographical approach to the Deuteronomistic history, 1990 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020
Chan, Shun Lai: Reflection on the concept of the church in the Reformed tradition, 1989 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020
Cho, Dong-Ho: Mode of production in premonarchic Israel, 1991 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses on Microfiche, 1975-2020
Choi, Doug Sung: The Conflicts on the Views of the Bible in the Presbyterian Church of Korea, 1985 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995S.T.M. Theses, 1975-1985