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Hamrick, Randall Bender: An Evaluation of Contemporary Anglo-Catholic Ethics as Interpreted by Alfred E. Taylor and Kenneth Kirk (Yale Ph.D.) (1 copy), 1939 Box 33B Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Harada, David J.: Toward A Theology of the Mission of the Church (1 copy), 1956 Box 13A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Hara, Masakazu: Critical realism in philosophy of science and its relevance to theology, 1989 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Harbour, William D.: The Ministry of Sustaining in the Pastoral Care of a Particular Group of the Sick: Hospitalized Open Heart Surgery Patients and Cancer Patients. Advisors: Eward J. Dobihal, Jr., Luke T. Johnson, 1978 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Harris, Carl Y.: Origen: On Prayer (2 copies), 1947 Box 13A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Harris, Robert Canaan: Apocalyptic ethics: reading Revelation in America's Babylon, 2007 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Hawkins, William L: Infant Baptism in the Thought of John Calvin and Karl Barth: A Problem in Reformed Theology, 1982 Box 6.5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Hawthorne, Robert J.: Doctrines of the Incarnation and Views of Man, in Three Thinkers: Irenaeus, William E. Channing, and Emil Brunner (2 copies), 1952 Box 14A Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…
Heichler, Kate: More than a new song: new approaches to worship for the age-old church, 2005 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School STM Theses, 1929-1995…