The Gospel as Power: Explorations in a Theology of Social Change. The Iliff Review: 27, no.2 (1970), pp.41-58., 1970 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WOgletree, Thomas W.
The Gospel for a Time of Fears. (The Washington Federation of Churches and the School of Religion, Howard University; Sixth Annual Lecture Series, April, 1950)., 1950 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WNiebuhr, H. Richard
The Gospel is Still News: Address before Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board of American Baptist churches, 1997 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty A-LBartlett, David L.
The Gospel of Truth as an Esoteric Text, in Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity., 1986 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty A-LAttridge, Harold W. L.
The Hidden Church and the Churches in Sight. Religion in Life: Autumn 1978 (rpt. of 1945 article)., 1978 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WNiebuhr, H. Richard
The History-of-Religions Approach to Apocalypticism and the 'Angel of the Waters' (Rev 16;4-7). Printed in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 39, 1977, pp. 367-381, 1977 Box 65 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty A-LCollins, Adela Yarbro
The Holy and the Sacred, Theology Today, XLVII/1, Apr 1990, pp. 5-12., 1990 Box 57 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WMinear, Paul S.Articles and Chapters
The Holy Irritation of Renewal, Reflection, 64/3, Mar 1967, pp. 1-5., 1967 Box 57 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WMinear, Paul S.Articles and Chapters
The Holy Spirit in Athenagoras. The Journal of Theological Studies, 20 (1969), pp. 538-542., 1969 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WMalherbe, Abraham J.Articles
The Holy Spirit in the Pauline Letters: A Contextual Exploration. Interpretation, v. 23, Jan. 1979, pp. 3-18., 1979 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Yale Divinity School Faculty Writings and Publications, 1843-2011Faculty M-WMeyer, Paul