Magill, Orrin R., 1937-1940 Box 83, Folder 1105 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Manley, John E., 1931-1940 Box 83, Folder 1106-1112 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Manley, John E., 1932-1934 Box 9, Folder 127 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Markely, Mary E., 1938-1940 Box 83, Folder 1113 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Martin, Hugh, 1930-1933 Box 9, Folder 128 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Material about the history of the Student YMCA Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Topical Files: National Policy and Program Emphases, 1896-1954Preparatory School Work
Material of Wilmer Kitchen related to World's Student Christian Federation, 1929-1943 Box 63, Folder 878-880 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Regional and Local Association Activities, 1886-1967New England
Materials of Professor G. Carver Box 80, Folder 1058 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Photographs, 1906-1933Photographs in folders
Maydole, Hugh, 1927-1933 Box 10, Folder 129 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Maydole, Hugh D., 1929-1932 Box 30, Folder 423 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott