Hale, Lincoln B., 1933-1935 Box 6, Folder 77 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Hamilton, Grace Towns, 1937-1940 Box 25, Folder 348 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Hansen, Fred M., 1928-1939 Box 25, Folder 349 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Hansen, Fred M., 1929-1932 Box 6, Folder 78 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Hardwick, James T., 1931-1934 Box 6, Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of David R. Porter
Hardwick, James T., 1931-1935 Box 25, Folder 350 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Har-Hay Box 25, Folder 344 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Harner, Guy, 1931-1940 Box 25, Folder 351 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Harrington, Elizabeth, 1934-1938 Box 25, Folder 352 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott
Hayes, Egbert M., 1929-1932 Box 25, Folder 353 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library YMCA - Student Division Records, 1886-1967Correspondence of Student Division Secretaries, 1916-1943Correspondence of A.R. Elliott