Don't Waste Food While Others Starve, United States Food Administration, L.C. Clinker & M.J. Dwyer, No. 31 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Rationing
Eat Less and Let us be thankful that we have enough to share with those who fight for freedom, United States Food Administration Box 2, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Rationing
"Eat Less Wheat-Meat-Fats and Sugar. Ship more to the war-stricken people of France Belgium Italy" Box 2, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Rationing
Eat? Then Read This! , Join your Country Farm Bureau, Membership Campaign, March 28 to April 13 Box 2, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Rationing
Editorial supplement to American Machinist, "Mr. Manufacturer, lend him a hand" 1919, 1917-1918 Box 1, Object 16 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Civilian Labor and Manufacturing
Every Girl Pulling For Victory (Victory Girls United War Work Campaign) Box 2, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Civilian Charity Organizations
Famers of Connecticut…General invitation…to attend a Farmer's Mass Meeting at the State Capitol, Friday March 22 At 11 A.M. to consider present emergency Box 2, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Civilian Labor and Manufacturing
Federal board for vocational education, "Business needs you" 2 posters, large and small printings, 1917-1918 Box 1, Object 53 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Civilian Labor and Manufacturing
Feed A Fighter Eat only what you need, United States Food Administration No. 15 Box 2, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Rationing
Fight or Buy Bonds, Third Liberty Loan Box 2, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Mattatuck Museum World War I Poster Collection, 1914-1918Bonds and Loans