Correspondence (mostly of Eleanor Meyers Burchill), 1978-1979, undated Box 13, Folder 266 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989North American Regional Office OperationsProjectsEducation Project Committee, 1978-1979
Correspondence, notes, 1978 July-1978 November Box 11, Folder 225 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989North American Regional Office OperationsProjectsAsia/North America Project
Correspondence of Anivaldo Padilha, 1982-1983 Box 28, Folder 527 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Related Organizations, 1972-1998Frontier Internship in Mission
Correspondence of Mary K. Gunn Bonnie Heath, Administrative Secretaries, 1978-1979 Box 14, Folder 289 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989North American Regional Office OperationsFinancial Records
Correspondence, preparatory material Box 24, Folder 446 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Inter-regional Office and Regional Offices of the World Student Christian FederationRegional OfficesEuropeEuropean Regional Assembly, Valamo, Finland, 1985
Correspondence re: Sostenes Arruda Macedo, 1986-1987 Box 29, Folder 539 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Related Organizations, 1972-1998Frontier Internship in Mission
Crosswise Newsletter, 1987-1988 Box 31, Folder 589 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Related Organizations, 1972-1998Young Christians for Global Justice
Cuba Project, 1977 Box 25, Folder 472 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Related Ecumenical Student MovementsNorth American MovementsStatewide and Regional Movements
Cuba - Student Christian Movement of Cuba, 1983 Box 26, Folder 498 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Related Ecumenical Student MovementsNon-North American MovementsNational Movements
Darmstadt European Co-Ordination, undated Box 24, Folder 453 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library World Student Christian Federation North America Regional Office Records, 1920-2010, bulk 1973-1989Inter-regional Office and Regional Offices of the World Student Christian FederationRegional OfficesEurope