Griswold; UHarriet and Another Video, 2007 Box 3, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Hu, Duffy, Gurt/ Attending Flanerty Seminar in Media and Film at Colgate University, 2007-2008 Box 3, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Jaffe-Barzach, Amy, 2011 Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Jones, Eleta/ Marketing Internships for Students, 2008-2009 Box 6, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Jones, Elital/ The Gail Champlin Annual Speakers Program, 2009 Box 5, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Kane and McKenna- Grant/ RAD Systems Programming, 2007 Box 3, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Klicka, Ann; Knauf, Jennifer/ The Flaberty Films Festival, 2008-2009 Box 5, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
Koffman/ Contemporary Music for Saxaphone Composed by Women, 2007-2011 Box 3, Folder 9, Box Shared CD Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
La Due, Pines/ Engineers without Borders, 2007-2008 Box 3, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…
La Due, Rachel & Pines, David, 2008 Box 5, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context University of Hartford -Archives and Special Collections Women's Advancement Initiative records, 2006-2011…