3.5" floppy disc: BUSINESS 1992-1993, 1992-93 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: MISCELLANEOUS 1994-1995, M16, 1994-95 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: LAURIE"S DISSERTATION REDLAST Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc [2 discs]: WDIAL I and II Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: DIAL III Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc [7 discs]: Blank labels over handwritten labels Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: YYST GEO 43-175 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: W REALM THERAPIS Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: MOVIES 000ADD, MED 00BBJY24, 00BBJY23 0NUNMBRS Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: XXXSTGEO 43-168, MED, LONDON Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc [7 unlabeled discs]: Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc [8 unlabeled discs]: Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: OGLAST 12/28/94, THUS FAR ITALIC, 1994 Dec 28 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: M15 Post ofc Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: GENERAL 1995, Gen 95, 1995 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Tedbooks, Plagiarism, Gen 1993, 1993 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: FLA 1995, eden, & misc, 1995 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: OUTLINES 1940 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: REALM 11/19/95, 1995 Nov 19 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: REALM BACKUP e?(? ANNOTATION Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: PROLOGUE 8/18/96, CRISIS 11/13/95, 1995 Nov 13, 1996 Aug 18 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: ONE TWO [Three] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TWO Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TOSHIBA HARD B (2) Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: A World Lit Only by Fire , 3/4/91 I, 1991 Mar 4 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: A World Lit Only by Fire II Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: MARTY_FILM Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: MARTY FILM II Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: CHPARIS, PALM, REALM Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Filename: Jan10.97 (London at WAR, DIARIES OF JOCK COVILLE, The Battle of Britain, WSCI 1941, NET FEMSEX-JAN10, HOSP 2NUMBERS Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: BBC1/B HORNE/BIB/B SPRING, CITADEL 2 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: CARD/COURT/LON/FILES/NET POWER/ SECTION/SHAWN/TV WAKE/ZNUMADD (6/7/96), 1996 JUN 7 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: More Backup C:Wordperf/files 6/5/92, 1992 Jne 5 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: ECT/DOCTORS/NURSE/NAT BANK WEBSTER 10/30/96, 1996 Oct 30 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: ZZNUMADD, ZNUM DD.1, WINSPHRR, MQINSTS NET, SALE Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Bookcase/RR James/Stroke, Thusfar/WLNs WOutline/WSCI/XAELALL Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: 00ALL, BBRITAIN, BLITZ, DOWDING, JUDY FLLLIST, NET, STREAM, ZNUMBERS.2 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Beeker/Ciarcia/Docsex/Homefone/Hosp/Medica(3)/Sleep Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: December 1995-April 1996 [red "x"], 1995 Dec-1996 Apr Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: 00BBJYI8, BJLEE, ELIWM, JACK.1, LANCER LANCER.2, LANCERWM.1 WARRIOR Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: most data lost. Filenames corrupted. Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: DALLAS Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: 'ABLE' unrecoverable. All esle was restored intact. FIRE.S I Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: FIRE 17 IX 91, 1991 Sep 17 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: 000NT.40, 00STGEO, 00BBJY21 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: NEW BB_JUNE 1996+ [label crossed out] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Failed Jy 12, 1996, 1996 Jan 12 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TITLE, Sail, Find, Voyage, End [annotated-"Back-points try not to use ever again"] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Sailing.5 Voyage, PM, WSC1, WSC2, Exploria FIND [annotated-"Spare"] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Sail, Find, Yay, Phil, End [annotates-"Broken font but works"] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Wordperfect, Learning/Conversion [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Wordperfect, Speller/Thesaurus [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Wordperfect, Fonts/Graphics/PTR Program [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Wordperfect, Printer 1/Printer2, HP LaserJet & Compatible/PostScript, Daisy Wheel & Misc. (I) Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Wordperfect, Printer 3/Printer 4, Dot Matrix (I)/Laser (I) [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TOSHIBA T1000SE User's Manual, MS-DOS 3.3 Manual, Hypertext Documentation Diskette Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TOSHIBA PC-Kwik Power Pak, Toshiba Edition Version 1.51 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TOSHIBA MS-DOS 3.30, Diagnostics Disk for Portable Personal Computers Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: TOSHIBA MS-DOS 3.30, Operating System for Portable Personal Computers Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Hewlett Packard, AutoFont Support Installer & Metrics, ProCollection Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3" DataDisk, Smith Corona [unlabeled] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Computer media Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Soldier's Fighting Spirit(s) [3 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: The Battle of Okinawa, April-June 1945 [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: USMCCCA Presents The Battle of Okinawa April 1945 in full original color, 54 min. [2 copies] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Wm Manchester/Box 329/Wesleyan Station/Middletown Ct 06457 [box labaled "Okinawa" Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Assassin Unmasked , J.F.K. Murder. Copyright 1991 Wm. Cooper Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Ruby and Oswald, Part 1 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Ruby and Oswald, Part 2 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: A Man, A Plane, and a Dream. The "Long" Search for Amelia Earhart Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Young Winston Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: America Needs a National Gun Policy, Handgun Control, Inc. Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: War of Our Fathers Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: The American Experience #701 FDR, Tape 1 of 2. WGBH Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: The American Experience #702 FDR, Tape 2 of 2. WGBH Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: World War II: A apersonal Journey, Show 1 1941-1942 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: World War II: A apersonal Journey, Show 2 1943 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: World War II: A apersonal Journey, Show 3 1944 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: The Congress: The History and Promise of Representative Government, 91 min. Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Bob Kerrey (NRA) [letter from James Z. Schwartz enclosed] Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: Player's Wide, (Wesleyan/Amherst), 1998 Oct 24 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
VHS tape: CBS/Eye on People Under Fire: Voices of the Pacific 1, Counting the Cost, [letter enclosed], 1997 Jul 14 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar , Episode #1, Cutting copy and rough cut, 3/4" U-matic, 1983 Mar 15 Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar , Episode #1, Time: 48:00 mins. Original copy 3/4" U-matic Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar - Episode #2 The Green Hell, 48:20 minutes Prod. #7221 COPY, 3/4" U-matic Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar Episode #3 cutting copy and rough cut, 3/4" U-matic, 1983 Mar 8 Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar Episode #4 The Last Shogun , F.C.C Version 48 min. 20 sec., 3/4" U-matic Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Cineworld tape: American Caesar Episode #5, Cutting copy and rough cut, 3/4" U-matic, 1983 Mar 15 Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Scotch UCA60 Videocassette: Close Up, American Inquisition Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
MBU 18s Master Broadcast Videocassette, Color Plus: DuB Part 2 - JFK Remembered. aired 11/8/83 Box 452 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Video Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Series IX: Media Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004
4 velvet containers for jewelry Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Flannel for cleaning Rolex watch Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
2 small, empty blue boxes with Gerald Ford's signature embossed Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Button: The Butterfield Colleges, September 18 1971, 1971 Sep 18 Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Button: LBC.261 from London, 1966-80 folder Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Francis Chichester's London Man Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
Pocket calendar, 1995 Box 455 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…