Outlines Box 197, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995Other writingsThe Fateful Lightning, 1955-56
Outlines and notes Box 74, Folder 19-20 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksDisturber of the Peace, 1951
Outlines and notes Box 186, Folder 1-6 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksA Rockefeller Family Portrait, 1959
Outlines, ca. 1976 Box 7, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksAmerican CaesarResearch notes
Outlines & chronology Box 146, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Last LionVolume II - Alone, 1932-1940
Outlines, etc. Box 146, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Last LionVolume II - Alone, 1932-1940
Outlines, holographs and typescripts, [1965] Box 61, Folder Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Death of a PresidentDrafts [restricted]
Outlines of material which has been written Box 20, Folder 4-11 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Arms of KruppResearch notes
Outline [typed] Box 105, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksGoodbye, DarknessWorking documents
Overall Box 105, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksGoodbye, DarknessWorking documents