3.5" floppy disc: December 1995-April 1996 [red "x"], 1995 Dec-1996 Apr Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: DIAL III Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: ECT/DOCTORS/NURSE/NAT BANK WEBSTER 10/30/96, 1996 Oct 30 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Failed Jy 12, 1996, 1996 Jan 12 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Filename: Jan10.97 (London at WAR, DIARIES OF JOCK COVILLE, The Battle of Britain, WSCI 1941, NET FEMSEX-JAN10, HOSP 2NUMBERS Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: FIRE 17 IX 91, 1991 Sep 17 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: FLA 1995, eden, & misc, 1995 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: GENERAL 1995, Gen 95, 1995 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: HARD DRIVE FLA APR 9, 1995, 1995 Apr 9 Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…
3.5" floppy disc: Hewlett Packard, AutoFont Support Installer & Metrics, ProCollection Box 451 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004…