Encyclopaedia Britannica article on Kennedys, 1977 Box 197, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995Other writings
Encyclopaedia Britannica article on Krupp family, 1971 Box 196, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995Other writings
Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 15th ed. Box 112, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Last LionResearch materials
Endpapers Box 149, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Last LionVolume II - Alone, 1932-1940
Endpapers [2 copies] Box 10, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksAmerican Caesar
England, 1967 Box 296, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series V: Personal papersTravel
England, 1973 Box 296, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series V: Personal papersTravel
English, Joseph, p. 579-82, 1964 Aug 18 Box 43, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Death of a PresidentResearchInterview transcripts, numbered set 1
English, Joseph, p. 579-82, 1964 Aug 18 Box 45, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series I: Writings, 1943-1995BooksThe Death of a PresidentResearchInterview transcripts, numbered set 2
Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1952 Box 292, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Wesleyan University -Special Collections and Archives William Manchester Papers 1934 - 2004Series V: Personal papersSpeeches