BIOGRAPHICAL FILES, 1768-1950 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope This series is arranged in four sections: Writings; Genealogical Papers; Memorabilia; Typescript Letters. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961
"Biography of Elizabeth T. Kent", 1949-1949 Box 82, Folder 257 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961BIOGRAPHICAL FILES, 1768-1950Writings
Biography of William Kent , by Elizabeth Thacher Kent, 1950-1950 Box 81, Folder 252-253 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961BIOGRAPHICAL FILES, 1768-1950Writings
Biography of William Kent (drafts), by Elizabeth Thacher Kent, 1936-1946 Box 82, Folder 254-256 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961BIOGRAPHICAL FILES, 1768-1950Writings
Board of Supervisors Association of California address, 1920 April Box 57, Folder 112 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961WRITINGS, 1873-1929, undatedGeneral
"Boyhood Recollections of Marin, County, Reminiscences of Outdoor Life", 1929-1929 Box 55, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961WRITINGS, 1873-1929, undatedGeneral
Breakwater, Monterey Bay Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961MICROFILM HIST. MSS. 105LETTER SERIES, 1911-1915Scrapbook "G"
b. San Rafael Creek Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961MICROFILM HIST. MSS. 105NUMBER SERIESKent, William, 1864-1928, compiler, Scrapbooks, 1866-1952, undatedVol XI. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT, CONGRESSIONAL SCRAPBOOKBILLS INTRODUCED BY MR. KENT (surveys)
b. State game preserves for protection and increase of Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961MICROFILM HIST. MSS. 105NUMBER SERIESKent, William, 1864-1928, compiler, Scrapbooks, 1866-1952, undatedVol XI. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT, CONGRESSIONAL SCRAPBOOK42. BILLS INTRODUCED BY MR. KENT
b. Treaty with Russia homestead tabulation Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives William Kent family papers, 1768-1961MICROFILM HIST. MSS. 105NUMBER SERIESKent, William, 1864-1928, compiler, Scrapbooks, 1866-1952, undatedVol XI. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT, CONGRESSIONAL SCRAPBOOK41. Remarks by Mr. Kent on: