Teaching Collection Slides. 35mm slides from the William Kelly Simpson teaching collection. Count of 92 black and white / color slides. 18 possibly from the 1960's Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition; 14 personal photos of a mansion; 16 travel slides from Aswan, Luxor and Cairo; 23 labeled "Robert E. Murowchick 1977"; 16 from a 1970s expedition; 5 miscellaneous. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Teaching Collection Slides. 35mm slides from the William Kelly Simpson teaching collection. Count of 99 black and white / color slides. New Kingdom, Thebes, 18th Dynasty. Slides featuring Khaemhat, Talatat, Rekhmire, and Ramose. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Teaching Collection Slides. Medium format glass-mounted black-and-white slides (glass10 cm H x 8.2 cm W; various image sizes). Count of 35 slides from the William Kelly Simpson teaching collection: 9 ofTell Basta; 5 of Sakkara; 2 of Giza; 5 of Dashur; 4 unlabeled texts; 3 unlabeled rock engravings; 6 unlabeled images of statuary; 1 rock engraving labeled "Edward Van Altena". Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Cemetery A Excavation Notes. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Cemetery B Excavation Notes. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East, Crevice. Drawings. Photocopies of hieroglyphic graffiti with pencilled annotations; sheets fit together to make one image. Toshka East, crevice. Each sheet 26.8 cm L x 24.2 cm W. Graffiti description, sheet #1): Hekanefer No. 3, from west wall, southern half. Sheet #2) Hekanefer No. 1, from tomb site between Tombs I and II; Hekanefer No. 4, from crevice south wall; right-side portion of Hekanefer No. 3, from west wall southern half. Sheet #3) graffito of Re-Hotep, etc., from crevice west wall northern half. Publication: Simpson, "Hekanefer", Fig. 20, p.25. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Field Photos from Penn-Yale Expedition to Nubia. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Gebel Agg Excavation Notes, Site Drawings and Field Cards. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Gebel Agg Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…
Toshka East. Mid-size Flat Illustrations. Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History William Kelly Simpson Archives, 1958-1998…