McLaren, James W., 1898-1898 Box 17, Folder 460 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
McLemore, M. C., Jr., 1893-1893 Box 17, Folder 461 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
McMillan, P. H., 1894-1894 Box 17, Folder 461 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
McNitt, V. V., 1915, 1923 Box 17, Folder 461 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
McRae, Archibald N., 1908-1908 Box 17, Folder 462 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
McWilliams & Arthur Co., 1900-1900 Box 17, Folder 462 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
Meade, P. R., 1898-1898 Box 17, Folder 472 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
Mechling, Edward A., 1899-1899 Box 17, Folder 472 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
Medical Times, 1914, 1919 Box 17, Folder 472 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925
Meehan, John F., 1922-1922 Box 17, Folder 472 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Walter Chauncey Camp papers, 1870-1983, bulk 1870-1925Correspondence, 1875-1925