Correspondence, writings, research notes, biographical material, obituaries and eulogies, and other personal and family papers of Victor J. Jerome, American communist, writer, editor of Political Affairs, and political activist. The bulk of the papers relate primarily to Jerome's activities with the American Communist Party during the period from 1930 to 1965. Of special interest is correspondence relating to Jerome's trial and conviction for violation of the Smith Act (1952); correspondence with Dashiell Hammett relating to "The Committee to Defend V. J. Jerome" (1952); prison correspondence (1953-1957); and correspondence with notable American communists relating to the organization of the Communist Party in the United States. Also of importance are printed and manuscript copies of Jerome's writings, including his two autobiographical novels A Lantern For Jeremy and The Paper Bridge, as well as his numerous newspaper and periodical contributions. Important correspondents include Herbert Aptheker, Ella Reeve Bloor, W. E. B. DuBois, Howard Fast, Rockwell Kent, Alfred Kreymborg, Archibald MacLeish, Dashiell Hammett, and Paul Robeson.