Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, 2006 April 131 item Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation190.46 Megabytes Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, Part 1190.28 Megabytes Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, Part 2127.53 Megabytes Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, Part 3138.03 Megabytes Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, Part 462.84 Megabytes Ann Charters: Women and the Beat Generation, Part 5
Abstract Or Scope
English 217: A Discussion of the 1950s Counterculture Movement. Ann Charters, Professor of American Literature at UConn, reads beat poetry and discusses it. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Pianist Anne Chamberlain and cellist Peter Zay perform sonatas by Brahms, Schubert, and Prokofiev. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Drama 251: American Film, Filmmakers of Litchfield County. TV producer Anne Makepeace discusses her film Rain in a Dry Land (2006), a documentary about two Somali Bantu families who are refugees. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP, and John Long, Professor of Film and Drama. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, 2006 March 161 item Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation134.23 Megabytes Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, Part 1172.34 Megabytes Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, Part 2141.07 Megabytes Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, Part 3141.02 Megabytes Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, Part 433.87 Megabytes Anne Waldman: Buddhism and the Beat Generation, Part 5
Abstract Or Scope
English 217: A Discussion of the 1950s Counterculture Movement. Beat poet Anne Waldman, whose work centers on counterculture, the beat generation, and Buddhism, plays a poem by Allen Ginsberg set to music, performs selections of her own work, and discusses her experiences with Buddhism. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Ann Leary, Marie Bostwick, Lauren Lipton: Creative Conversations, 2009 May 14 item Ann Leary, Marie Bostwick, Lauren Lipton: Creative Conversations1 item Ann Leary, Marie Bostwick, Lauren Lipton: Creative Conversations720.34 Megabytes Ann Leary, Marie Bostwick, Lauren Lipton: Creative Conversations69.43 Megabytes Ann Leary, Marie Bostwick, Lauren Lipton: Creative Conversations
Abstract Or Scope
Spring 2009: Literary Prize Winners of Litchfield County. Ann Leary (writer), Marie Bostwick (historical and women's fiction author), and Lauren Lipton (author and journalist) read selections from their work and discuss the creative process. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Writers in Conversation: Litchfield County author and journalist Lauren Lipton talks to acclaimed author Ann Leary about her novel The Good House, about a woman who is a well-regarded real-estate broker in denial about her alcoholism. Introduced by Kathy Knapp, Director of LCWP. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
Fall 2009: Justice, Injustice and Human Rights! Professor Nan Taylor's Psychology class Metanoia as Repentance: Forgiveness and Punishment and the University's Metanoia: Preventing Violence Against Women. Antoinette Bosco (journalist and syndicated columnist) and Ben Jones (Yale graduate student and executive director of the Connecticut Network for the Abolishment of the Death Penalty) discuss their advocacy to abolish the death penalty, and the challenges of forgiveness and mercy. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP and Nan Taylor, Professor of Psychology. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.
English 217: Writers of Litchfield County Nonfiction and Memoir. Journalist and syndicated columnist Antoinette Bosco reads from her book Choosing Mercy: A Mother of Murder Victims Pleads to End the Death Penalty, and discusses her advocacy to end capital punishment. Interviewed by Davyne Verstandig, Director of LCWP. This presentation is part of the Litchfield County Writers Project, which was based at the Torrington campus of the University of Connecticut.