Including regarding: Problems in supporting field staff; RDC visit report in detail; PMC minutes; Using agriculture in CDHP; Patients referred to Patan Hospital; Newsletter of CDHP Day; Detailed annual report
Including regarding: Change towards the poor; PMC minutes; History of project for UMN 35th booklet; Medical insurance coverage statistics; Field report on rural development program
Including regarding: In service training plans; PMC minutes; Statement of Direction and Working Rules; WSC (water supplies) trip report; ICCO reports, English and Dutch
Including regarding: Today's demand in the health section; Correspondence and papers on management; Management improvement strategy; CDHP working rules discussion and decision
Including regarding: Detailed annual reports; Development section workshop report; EAC (PMC) minutes; Descriptive agreement with ICCO; Proposal for community development in Malta
Including regarding: Research proposition; Proposal for participants' consideration; Proposal and notes for discussion; Management: summary of discussion
Including regarding: CDHP management review; PH-CDHP Functional Coordinating Committee; Detailed annual plans; Introduction fo NFE in CDHP; Women farmers in S. Lalitpur; Report on development section workshop