The Tomas Venclova Papers document the life and work of Lithuanian poet, scholar and professor Tomas Venclova. Correspondence documents Venclova's relationships with Lithuanian and Soviet literary figures and political dissidents, including letters from Joseph Brodsky and Czesław Miłosz. Venclova's personal life and family relationships are also documented in the correspondence. Venclova's work as a poet, scholar, and translator is documented in drafts of writings that include holograph drafts of poetry. His work as a human rights activist is documented in the subject files, which include files on Adam Michnik and Liudmila Alekseeva. Photographs include personal and family photographs as well as photographs of conferences, readings and other professional travel. Audiovisual material includes recordings of poetry readings and lectures. Printed material includes reviews of Venclova's works and articles about Lithuanian politics and culture in the 1990s. Electronic files consist chiefly of e-mail. Other papers include personal documents, awards and honorary degrees.