31. [Doktor Faustus. English translation by HLP. Miscellaneous drafts of passages relating to music] Typescripts in English only, with corrections and notes by HLP and in an unknown hand; 30 leaves of nonconsecutive drafts Box 5, Folder 65 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
32. [Dostojewski--mit Massen] Typescript (carbon) with a few corrections, dated: Pacif. Palisades, Calif. Juli 1945; 26 numbered leaves Box 5, Folder 66 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
33. [Einfuehrung in den Zauberberg fuer Studenten der Universitaet Princeton. English translation by HLP] LECTURE ON THE ZAUBERBERG Typescript (original) with corrections by HLP; 17 leaves Box 5, Folder 67 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
34. DIE EINHEIT DES MENSCHENGEISTES Autograph manuscript with corrections and deletions, signed; 4 numbered leaves Box 5, Folder 68 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
35. DER ERWAeHLTE Typescript (original) with corrections, 342 numbered leaves, with 2 extra typed leaves at the end and one list of page numbers (not in TM's hand) inserted Box 5, Folder 69-72 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
36. [Der Erwaehlte. English translation by HLP] THE HOLY SINNER Typescript (original) with corrections by a copyeditor and a few corrections by HLP; 348 leaves numbered 1-347 (57a inserted) Box 5, Folder 73-76 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
37. [Essays of Three Decades] Typescript (carbon) with corrections by HLP. The essays are paged individually as follows: [Preliminary matter, notes, errata, and appendix], 28 nonconsecutive leaves; CHAMISSO, 1 preliminary leaf, 27 numbered leaves, with an extra draft of the last two paragraphs, 1 leaf; AMPHITRYON, 1 preliminary leaf, 62 numbered leaves; GOETHE AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BOURGEOIS AGE OF GERMAN CULTURE, 1 preliminary leaf, 41 numbered leaves; GOETHE'S CAREER AS A MAN OF LETTERS, 1 preliminary leaf, 38 numbered leaves; ANNA KARENINA, 1 preliminary leaf, 20 numbered leaves; SCHOPENHAUER, 1 preliminary leaf, 65 numbered leaves; RICHARD WAGNER AND THE RING, 1 preliminary leaf, 28 numbered leaves; PLATEN, 1 preliminary leaf, 17 numbered leaves; THEODOR STORM, l preliminary leaf, 24 numbered leaves; THE OLD FONTANE, 1 preliminary leaf, 32 numbered leaves; VOYAGE WITH DON QUIXOTE, 1 preliminary leaf, 53 numbered leaves; GOETHE'S FAUST, 1 preliminary leaf, 53 numbered leaves. Box 6, Folder 77-89 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
38. [Franklin Roosevelt, English translation by HLP] GOODNESS AND POWER Typescript (original) with a few corrections by HLP; 4 numbered leaves Box 6, Folder 90 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
39 ALS, 86 TLS, 1 APCS, 2 TL, 2 AC, 1 ANS Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Letters by Thomas Mann, 1894-55
39. FREUD UND DIE ZUKUNFT. VORTRAG, GEHALTEN IN WIEN AM 8. MAI 1936 ZUR FEIER VON SIGMUND FREUDS 80. GEBURTSTAG Typescript (original) with a few corrections and deletions, dated 3.V.36. Title page in TM's hand. 1 preliminary leaf, 34 leaves numbered 1-33 (15 repeated in numbering) Carbon copy of the same typescript, with a few corrections but without the title page; 34 leaves numbered 1-33 (15 repeated) Box 6, Folder 91 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thomas Mann collection, 1894-1990Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945