100. [The War and the Future. German original] DER KRIEG UND DIE ZUKUNFT Typescript (original) with a few corrections by TM; 20 numbered leaves. Portions of the text are already in English in this typescript [Fragments from an English translation by HLP] Typescript (original) with notes by HLP; 3 nonconsecutive leaves Box 11, Folder 206 Bookmark Collection Context Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
101. [Was wir verlangen muessen] GEGEN DIE FALSCHE REVOLUTION I [-II] Typescript (carbon) with titles in TM's hand; 6 leaves numbered 1-4 (section I) and 1-2 (section II) Box 11, Folder 207 Bookmark Collection Context Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945
102. [What I believe] Typescript (original) with corrections by HLP; 9 leaves Typescript (carbon) of the corrected version; 10 leaves Box 11, Folder 208 Bookmark Collection Context Thomas Mann. Writings, 1926-1945