"Spending the City's Money Under the New Charter", 1936 October 29 Box 64, Folder 800 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Speeches, 1925-1949
Sp - Ste Box 9, Folder 84 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
State of New York Judicial Council - correspondence, 1944-1946 Box 33, Folder 480 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section C. New York State Court of Appeals
Sti - Str Box 9, Folder 85 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
St. John's Parish, Waterbury, CT, 1925-1948, undated Box 17, Folder 5-6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Additional material, 1779-1984, undatedThacher Family Materials, 1779-1984
Study of the Business of Federal Courts - Report on Criminal Cases, 1933-1933 Box 20, Folder 395 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section A. Solicitor General
Sturges, Wesley A., Dean of Yale Law School Box 49, Folder 608-611 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
Stu - Sz Box 9, Folder 86 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
Subject files, 1919-1950 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Subject files are arranged in seven sections according to subject: view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950
Subject Files, 1925-1948 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Additional material, 1779-1984, undated