Judges' salaries (Holmes' pension), 1930-1934 Box 58, Folder 707 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section G. Miscellaneous Subject Files
Judicial authority and law, 1939 October 24 Box 64, Folder 811 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Speeches, 1925-1949
Judiciary Committee - correspondence, 1933-1937, 1937, 1937, 1938-1940, 1940-1941 Box 41, Folder 543-547 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York City Bar Association
Judiciary Committee - correspondence and memoranda, 1938-1942 Box 42, Folder 554 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York County Lawyers Association
Judiciary reform, undated Box 66, Folder 835 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Speeches, 1925-1949
Justice, law and crime, 1932 November 25 Box 62, Folder 762 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Speeches, 1925-1949
Ka - Ae Box 5, Folder 45 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
Kedgwick Fishing Club - correspondence, 1940-1943 Box 51, Folder 629-630 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section F. Clubs, Societies, Service organizations
Kenyon, Dorothy appearance before Senate Committee, 1950-1950 Box 59, Folder 709 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section G. Miscellaneous Subject Files
Knight, Richard A., case of, 1941-1942 Box 59, Folder 710 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section G. Miscellaneous Subject Files