Committee on Federal Judiciary Re-organization Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York City Bar Association
Committee on Financial Condition, 1941-1942 Box 52, Folder 645 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section F. Clubs, Societies, Service organizationsNew England Society
Committee on Honorary Degrees, correspondence and memoranda, 1930-1942, 1947-1948, 1949 Box 47, Folder 597-599 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section E. Institutions Which Thacher Served as Trustee or DirectorYale Corporation
Committee on Municipal Law - correspondence, 1938-1942 Box 43, Folder 559 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York State Bar Association
Committee on Municipal Law - reports Box 43, Folder 560 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York State Bar Association
Committee on Nominations - correspondence, 1941-1941 Box 43, Folder 561 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York State Bar Association
Committee on Practice and Procedure in State Supreme Court - minutes, 1922, 1923 Box 41, Folder 542 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York City Bar Association
Committee on Selection of Judges - correspondence, 1936-1942 Box 43, Folder 562 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section D. Legal AssociationsNew York State Bar Association
Committee Report, 1934 March Box 57, Folder 692 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section G. Miscellaneous Subject FilesEllis Island Committee
Commonwealth Fund Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section E. Institutions Which Thacher Served as Trustee or Director