Certificates of attorneys to practice in other states Box 33, Folder 481 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section C. New York State Court of Appeals
Changes and problems at Yale Law School, 1930 June 16 Box 62, Folder 750 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Speeches, 1925-1949
Chao - Che Box 2, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Correspondence, 1914-1915Incoming Coreespondence, 1914-1950
Charitable organization donations, 1931-1943, undated Box 15, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Additional material, 1779-1984, undatedSubject Files, 1925-1948Miscellaneous Subject Files, 1925-1948
Charity organizations and information reports, 1934-1935 Box 15, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Additional material, 1779-1984, undatedSubject Files, 1925-1948Miscellaneous Subject Files, 1925-1948
Charter campaign victory - letters of congratulations, 1936-1936 Box 29, Folder 446-447 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section B. New York City Politics and Charter Revision
Charter Code Board of Statutory Consolidation - correspondence and memoranda, 1936-1936 Box 26, Folder 429 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section B. New York City Politics and Charter Revision
Charter Commission Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section B. New York City Politics and Charter Revision
Charter data and memoranda, 1934-1934 Box 26, Folder 428 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section B. New York City Politics and Charter Revision
Charter - petition for amendment, 1940-1940 Box 29, Folder 449 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Thomas Day Thacher papers, 1893-1989, bulk 1914-1950Subject files, 1919-1950Section B. New York City Politics and Charter Revision