Paul Hindemith-E. Voigt, late June 1941 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS English Translations and Photocopies, 1934-1960VII. Letters to Schott/Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York (AMP) photocopies, 1941
Paul Hindemith-K. Bauer, late Dec 1944 (or 45?) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS English Translations and Photocopies, 1934-1960VIII. Letters to Schott/Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York (AMP) photocopies
Paul Hindemith-K. Bauer, late Dec 1943 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS English Translations and Photocopies, 1934-1960VIII. Letters to Schott/Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York (AMP) photocopies
Paul Hindemith-E. Voigt autograph letter unsigned, late Aug 1941 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS English Translations and Photocopies, 1934-1960VII. Letters to Schott/Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York (AMP) photocopies, 1941
Gertrud & Paul Hindemith-Lydia Hoffman Behrendt autograph letter signed/German photocopy, late Apr 1936 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1927-1966Personal Correspondence, 1927-1940
M. Vernazza: Paul Hindemith - Music Educator, in American Music Teacher, June/July 1984 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993ARTICLES ABOUT PAUL HINDEMITH, 1924-1988ARTICLES IN ENGLISHArticles in English, after 1964, cont.
Yale University School of Music Alumni Bulletin, June 1943 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS, 1940-1988Official Yale Documents, 1940-1945
June 1917 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS, 1916-1980From Jahrbuch II/72: Paul Hindemith's Letters to the Ronnefeldt family, 1916-1922
Paul Hindemith-W. T. Brown autograph letter signed/English, July 1944 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1927-1966Personal Correspondence, 1944-1945
Yale Daily News obituary, Jan 6 1964 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Paul Hindemith Collection, 1901-1993ARTICLES ABOUT PAUL HINDEMITH, 1924-1988OBITUARIES AND MEMORIAL PROGRAMSObituaries