Carnegie Hall (50th anniversary), 1978 Jan. 8 Box 75, Folder 90 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CONTRACTS, ROYALTY AND BOX OFFICE STATEMENTS, AND EXPENSES, 1928-1989ConcertsContracts, box office statements, etc.
[Carnegie Hall Corporation?] Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991AWARDS, 1928-1991
Carnegie Hall Corporation, 1965-1990 Box 3, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CORRESPONDENCE, 1890-1991CORRESPONDENCE - Personal
Carnegie Hall - film, 1985 Nov. 15 Box 78, Folder 155 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CONTRACTS, ROYALTY AND BOX OFFICE STATEMENTS, AND EXPENSES, 1928-1989ConcertsContracts, box office statements, etc.
Carnegie Hall : Looking Ahead., n.d. Box 121, Folder 29 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, 1866-1991Items Pertaining to Vladimir Horowitz, Wanda Toscanini Horowitz, and Sonia HorowitzBooks and pamphlets
Carnegie Hall (rejected), 1979 May 13 Box 76, Folder 118 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CONTRACTS, ROYALTY AND BOX OFFICE STATEMENTS, AND EXPENSES, 1928-1989ConcertsContracts, box office statements, etc.
Carnegie Hall reopening gala, 1986 Dec. 15 Box 79, Folder 170 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CONTRACTS, ROYALTY AND BOX OFFICE STATEMENTS, AND EXPENSES, 1928-1989ConcertsContracts, box office statements, etc.
Carnegie Hall Society, Inc., ca. 1976 May 18 Box 3, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CORRESPONDENCE, 1890-1991CORRESPONDENCE - Personal
Carnegie Hill Neighbors, Inc., 1988-1989 Box 3, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CORRESPONDENCE, 1890-1991CORRESPONDENCE - Personal
Carr, Elizabeth, ca. 1976 Mar. 17 Box 3, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Papers of Vladimir and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz., 1784-1991CORRESPONDENCE, 1890-1991CORRESPONDENCE - Personal