Five variations on a theme from "Snow White". -- 1938. Box 1, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Music, 19---1979Music by Charles Shackford
Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow Box 18, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Programs, 1940-1980Music and Arrangements by Charles Shackford
[Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow] Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow. -- [1939]. Box 1, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Music, 19---1979Music by Charles Shackford
Ford Foundation, 1961-1668 Box 16, Folder 11-12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence from Charles Shackford
Forte, Allen, 1960-1961 Box 16, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence from Charles Shackford
Forte, Allen, 1960-1962 Box 17, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence to Charles Shackford
French, [Richard F.], 1947 Dec. 3 Box 17, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence to Charles Shackford
Friend, Owen L., 1972 July 28 Box 16, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence from Charles Shackford
Fuchs, William, 1977 Jan. 14 Box 17, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Correspondence, 1952-1980Correspondence to Charles Shackford
[Fugues (Sketches)] Fugue[s]. -- [19--]. Box 1, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Irving S. Gilmore Music Library The Charles Shackford Papers, 1934-1984Music, 19---1979Music by Charles Shackford