Unidentified Prom, 1940-1949 Box 8, Folder 289 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Dances and Parties
Unidentified, Undated Box 1, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Assemblies
Unidentified, Undated Box 9, Folder 328 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Dining Hall scenes
Unidentified Yale man in uniform Box 18, Folder 636 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784War YearsCivil War
V-E day, 1945-1945 Box 18, Folder 644 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784War YearsWorld War II
Vehicles Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784
Vendor, 1960-1969 Box 18, Folder 607 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Street scenes
Vendors, 1925-1939 Box 18, Folder 598 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Street scenes
Waiting in line for hockey tickets, 1925-1935 Box 18, Folder 599 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Street scenes
[Waiting room?], 1925-1935 Box 17, Folder 559 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Rooms