1933-1933 Box 7, Folder 245 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommitteesJunior Prom
1934-1934 Box 3, Folder 97-98 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Class DaySpeakers
1934-1934 Box 3, Folder 99 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Class DaySpeakers-Sheffield
1934-1934 Box 6, Folder 225 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommitteesClass Day
1934-1934 Box 6, Folder 230 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommitteesFreshman Council
1934-1934 Box 7, Folder 246 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommitteesJunior Prom
1934-1934 Box 7, Folder 251 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommitteesSenior Prom
1934-1934 Box 18, Folder 628 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784VehiclesAutomobiles
1935-1935 Box 3, Folder 100 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784Class DaySpeakers-Sheffield
1935-1935 Box 4, Folder 162-163 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Student life at Yale photographs, 1774-1988Photographs and pictures of student life, Yale University, 1774-1784CommencementHonorary Degree recipients