Wald - Zabalaoui Box 395b, Folder 4755-S Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964General CorrespondenceAdministration CorrespondenceThurber Administration
Walkden - Willever Box 353, Folder 4148-4159 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Volunteer and Inquirer CorrespondenceMore Recent File of Volunteer and Inquirer Correspondence
Walker, N. - Ward, F. Box 308, Folder 3688-3699 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Volunteer and Inquirer CorrespondenceOlder File of Primarily Volunteer Correspondence
Walker - Whyte Box 392, Folder 4711 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964General CorrespondenceAdministration CorrespondenceEspy Administration
Walker - Wiggin Box 388, Folder 4669 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964General CorrespondenceAdministration CorrespondenceBraisted Administration
Walkup - Watson, J. Box 113, Folder 1169-1180 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Volunteer and Inquirer Forms and StatisticsApplication Blanks
Wallace, Cornelia, 1927-1929 Box 373, Folder 4440 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964General CorrespondenceProminent Correspondents
Walters, Orville S., 1922-1926 Box 373, Folder 4443 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964General CorrespondenceProminent Correspondents
Wanted: Renewal in Mission; Wanted: Student Volunteers; The Watchword as a Spiritual Force; Weekly Prayer Cycle for Leaders of Mission Study Classes Box 557, Folder 6548 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Publications and Literature DistributionPamphlet Publications
Ward, H. - Watson, E. Box 309, Folder 3700-3710 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions Records, 1886-1964Volunteer and Inquirer CorrespondenceOlder File of Primarily Volunteer Correspondence