Invitation card to 'Erik Satie - a kettle of fish', W. E. A. , Nottingham, January 5th 1968, three copies, with holographic writing (translated poems) on reverse in red pen. Tarasque Press publication of Eric Satie - A Kettle of Fish, on copy cut up and with pencilled lines, six copies as published. Large photo of 'pyramid' display of Tarasque Press Satie publication, as arranged in Bux bookshop, Drury Hill, Nottingham, 1968. Paste up/make ready for printer of Tarasque press booklet, sellotaped. Correspondence with David Sibley, pianist, SC to OS, 10. 10. 1967, SC to OS, 2. 11. 1967, DS to SC & Annira, 3. 10. 1967 OS to SC & Annira, 27. 11. 1967 OS to SC, 29. 1. 1968. The following specifically on the contents for the recital: DS to SC, 11. 12. 1967 'about an hour only…' DS to SC, three undated letters, (from contents: of Dec. 1967). Glass negative of image used on cover. Notes on Satie: Manuscript, translations of Sports et Divertissements, 20 loose sheets, mostly in pencil and some in biro. Notes/drafts in preparation of Satie programme, 6 sheets, different sizes. Two pages on 'Keeping a parrot'. Outline sequence of pages-for (to be duplicated) Satie Notes (as handout at recital), numbered at top in circles 1 to 8 (No.3 missing). Recital script, typed text with handwritten notes/instructions/additions, continuity/programme instructions on both front and back of 19 sheets. Ticket sales progress/records. Original artwork for invitation card for 'Eric Satie - A Kettle of Fish' with hand written notes re: details/organisation of performance. Letter, hand written and typed versions, to Minerva records, re: Satie disc. Invitations, handwritten draft and typed copies, to Satie concert, 6 sheets. Stiff envelope containing letterpress block, c 100 x 150, with Erik Satie text 'Sea Bathing'. Recital of Music by Eric Satie & John Cage, programme notes/texts, 7 sheets, duplicated, foolscap. Brief Chronology of the Works by Satie, (and other texts by or about Satie), including translations of 'Sports et Divertissements' by SC, ten sheets, foolscap, duplicated and stapled, seven complete sets plus spare pages. Reviews: Nottingham Evening Post, Jan. 5th, 1968: 'Offbeat concert tantalized', recital given by 'pianist & composer David Sibley and poet Simon Cutts'. Ditto, same article by Emrys Bryson now titled 'Something out of the ordinary in concerts'. Unidentified paper, review of same recital (Jan. 5, 1968), 'Brush up your Satie-ana', Letter from A. Cooper, Daily Telegraph, to SC, 17. 11. (1968?), 'almost the only French composer with whom I have little or no sympathy'. Letter from Jasia Reichardt, ICA London, to SC, 3rd May 1968, (with positive response to suggestion of putting on a piano recital).