'Immediate Schema for "Sail's White Concern" ', single sheet glued to inside front of folder, dated 10. 4. 67, reference to 'Notes on THE PAGE, MALARMÊ '. Prototype for ' Little Critic 12, March 1993, Beyond Reading, 1967 ' photocopied from typed manuscript in correct sequence / layout, unbound folded sheets, (to be published shortly, i. e. as at Sept. 1993). Pencil drawing of full layout for Little Critic. Text for Beyond Reading, two sheets: handwritten and typed. Typescript, single page, 'The Work', dated by hand June 1992. Typescript 'blue beyond reading beyond reading blue', single sheet. (Four entries above on back of sheets for 'Ragnar's Bookroom', 1992). Fax from Bill Allen dared 12. 6. 1992: text on 'Blue'. Much older (1967?) seven page typescript: 'The unit of the work cannot be the sentence'. Six paper clipped sheets: '…Which is worth our Sail's White concern', with collaged text: 'Nor is the page merely vehicular…'. Nine page (early) typescript, collages and revisions throughout, 'To write not about the thing, but merely to include it'. Note on torn-off piece of card: 'Le Livre, Instrument Spirituel'. Essay / text of lecture: 'Books and Bookmaking, SC 1980 ', ten stapled A4 sheets, page 10: 'Some examples'. Sheet with line in red fibre pen: 'Texture the page: whiteness integral' Early manuscripts for Beyond Reading, on yellowed-by-age paper,13 sheets, both typed and holographic in variety of writing instruments. Page from Observer Magazine used as writing paper for texts on reading Five strips of yellow card with notes on 'Blue' and 'Beyond Reading'. Eight scraps of paper, some marked 'for Beyond Reading' or 'for Sail'. Letter, SC to Bernard Bergonzi, dated 14. 3. 1967, re: radio broadcast 'The new novel and the old book'. Typed sheet with quotes of Gautier and Wilde. Other handwritten manuscripts for Beyond Reading / Sail, 17 sheets, the top three sheets numbered 1 to 3 in pencil text of essay: 'To write, not about the thing, but merely to contain it'.