Artwork used in design and construction of 'The Topiarist', 1976: Small folder made from stiff piece of paper, marked on front in pencil: 'Topiarist 4 pop-up idea', ('Topiarist 3' had been published 1977), inlaid cut-out silhouette / drawing cut-out from unidentified book / magazine (parts of a drawing-by-numbers is on reverse). Tracing of the cut-out illustration above (i. e. of the 'Topiarist'), with some stylised simplifications and additions, on tracing paper Drawing in green ink of the 'Topiarist' on cover of folded stiff paper, (made by transfer of drawing from tracing above), 203 x 163, with alternative titles in black pen: The Meccano Topiarist' and 'The Topiary in Meccano', marks in pencil added to aid construction. Enlargement of green drawing on piece of board, 300 x 216, (incorporating further subtle changes in detail of drawing). Another version of same enlargement, glossy stiff paper, bigger margins, with three tracings of different parts of the image, on tracing paper, (i. e. the final templates for the actual work 'The Topiarist'). Pencil notes on the parts of the work, on page torn from spiral-bound pad. Work in the collection of Southampton Art Gallery. Photograph as used for frontispiece in book. (Object included in this Archive 2. e).