Cardboard file marked 'The Allies' containing all the following: Prototype for book, printed cover & endpapers as in published edition, stapled, 20pp, 114 x 115, title page with alternative titles ('2nd idea'), poems handwritten in both pen and pencil, copies of Martin Fidler's drawings pasted in. Early dummy, format as published, few loose folded pages only, 114 x 117, on cover in fiber pen: 'The Allies M. F. + SC', 115 x 117, contents: rough drafts of fiber pen drawings, one copy pasted in. Another dummy, similar to previous entry, on cover in pen: "The Allies", note from MF to SC: 'Not in vain Simon - a great help in establishing a beginning', title page: 'Simon Cutts and Martin Fidler' three draft drawings by MF pasted in, no texts. Prototype cover for "Allies", with template used for cutting out shape. Handwritten note on envelope from MF to SC on the 'Line Blocks'. Martin Fidler's artwork on film, in folded sheet of paper. MF's original tiny pen drawings for book pasted to small pieces of card with photocopy of these on one piece of paper. Print of endpapers with the missing words here written in by hand. Photographic print of published book showing cover and opening spread. Handwritten list of contents of book. Holographic artwork/draft: 'The Allies', with small drawing also: 'The Official War Poets D-Day Lewis'. Photocopy of illustration from unidentified book: 'Ten million miles of sea', caption: 'Windbreaks, build of lava and turf…'. Nine pieces of paper with holographic and typed drafts of poems for book.