Manuscripts for SC's essay for Nevers catalogue on Bill Culbert's piece: Six sheets of pencil written notes 'The elements of the work', the initial accumulation of ideas and thoughts on Bill Culbert's work. Five pages of typescript, largely following the first manuscript. Eight pages of squared paper with pasted-up cut-out lines from typescript re-ordered under different headings. Two page typescript, constituting the first draft in format of essay, overwritten in pencil and red biro. Revised three-page typescript for essay, top copy, no corrections. Copy of three-page typescript with corrections/changes in blue and black biro. Copy of letter Bill Culbert to Alain Coulange of 10. 5. 1988, front page only: 'enclosing drawings and photo for the work in Nevers'. Four original ink drawings by Bill Culbert, each dated 'May 1988', (probably the ones referred to in BC's letter above), also sheet of handwritten notes in ink by BC. Three original photos: two Polaroids of BC's work on tipper truck, one of overgrown orange truck abandoned in hedge near road, with BC's captions in ink on slip: 'sun lamp shade' 'rust on rust'. 35 mm colour slide of BC's installed work (Tipper Truck) at Nevers. Broadsheet catalogue of Nevers exhibition, June 1988, 8pp including Bill Culbert's work illustrated on p3. Folded card, in colour, 6pp, 'L' art contemporaine dans la Nievre'.