Proofs of woodcuts for Benjamin Silliman, Jr.'s physics textbook, 1872-1872 Box 51, Folder 78 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911Special Files, 1756-1964Scientific Material
Protocol: Mr. A's proposal to Mr. Forsyth of Pittsbg-- by Benjamin Silliman, Jr., undated Box 49, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911Special Files, 1756-1964Legal Material
Public Lecture. "American Contributions to Chemistry," delivered on the occasion of the celebration of the centennial of chemistry, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, 1874-1874 Box 45B, Folder 75 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911Yale Lectures, Students' Notebooks, Public Lectures, Addresses, 1806-1874Benjamin Silliman, Jr.
Public Lectures Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911Yale Lectures, Students' Notebooks, Public Lectures, Addresses, 1806-1874Benjamin Silliman
Putnam, Frederic Ward, 1881-1881 Box 24, Folder 107 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851865-1885
Putnam, George Palmer, 1843, 1854, 1856 Box 23, Folder 92, Reel 14U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851842-1864
Putnam (G.P.) & Company, 1852, 1854 Box 23, Folder 92, Reel 14U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851842-1864
Quetelet, Lambert-Adolphe-Jacques, 1851-1851 Box 23, Folder 92, Reel 14U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851842-1864
Quincy, Eliza Susan, 1832-1832 Box 21, Folder 56, Reel 12U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851818-1841
Quincy, Eliza Susan, 1862-1863 Box 23, Folder 92, Reel 14U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911General Correspondence, 1796-18851842-1864