"On the Volumetric Determination of Sulphur and Ammonia in Illuminating gas, with a Description of the Apparatus Employed," with H. E. Sadler, 1877-1877 Box 34B, Folder 56J Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
On volcanic formations in Italy. Lecture, originally prepared to be, given in Buffalo, was cancelled Box 45A, Folder 66 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology in Yale College with Personal Reminiscences" Volume I, 1792 - 1805 Mar, 1857-1862 Box 32, Folder 33b, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume II, 1805 Apr-Oct, 1857-1862 Box 32, Folder 34, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume III, 1805 Oct-1806 May, 1857-1862 Box 32, Folder 35, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume IV, 1806 May - ca. 1825, 1857-1862 Box 32, Folder 36, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume IX, 1846-1862, 1857-1862 Box 33, Folder 41, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume V, 1813-1835, 1857-1862 Box 32, Folder 37, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume VI, 1835-1836, 1857-1862 Box 33, Folder 38, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…
"Origin and Progress…" Volume VII, 1837-1842, 1857-1862 Box 33, Folder 39, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Silliman family papers, 1717-1977, bulk 1717-1911…