Sidney Irving Smith Correspondence. Appears to be a rough copy of an outgoing letter from S.I. Smith, recipient unknown. The letter discusses the sending of Hyale specimens and amphipod taxonomy, including specimens from Kerguelen Islands., 10 Feb 1876 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906Sidney Irving Smith Correspondence. Outgoing correspondence of S.I. Smith., 1864-1906
Sidney Irving Smith Correspondence. Outgoing correspondence of S.I. Smith., 1864-1906 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906
Theodore L. Mead Correspondence. A letter from T.L Mead asking Smith if he would be interested in an exchange of butterflies. He encloses a list of specimens in his collection from Colorado., 31 Jan 1872 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906Theodore L. Mead Correspondence. Correspondence from T.L. Mead to S.I. Smith., 1872
Theodore L. Mead Correspondence. Correspondence from T.L. Mead to S.I. Smith., 1872 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906
William G. Farlow Correspondence. 8 letters from W.G. Farlow to S.I. Smith discussing the proposed Woodruff Expedition. In the letters Farlow expresses concerns with the organizers of the Expedition and problems he is having with said organizers. Subsequently, he decides, along with Smith, to remove their names from consideration based on those concerns., 1877 July 4-1877 July 31 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906William G. Farlow Correspondence. Correspondence from W.G. Farlow to S.I. Smith regarding the proposed Woodruff Expedition., 1877
William G. Farlow Correspondence. Correspondence from W.G. Farlow to S.I. Smith regarding the proposed Woodruff Expedition., 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906
William Le Baron Jenney Correspondence. A letter from W.L.B. Jenney to S.I. Smith offering his regret that Smith and Farlow would not be joining the Woodruff Expedition, and he will ask that Woodruff keep spots open should they choose to reconsider., 17 Aug 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906William Le Baron Jenney Correspondence. Correspondence from W.L.B. Jenney to S.I. Smith., 1877
William Le Baron Jenney Correspondence. Correspondence from W.L.B. Jenney to S.I. Smith., 1877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Sidney Irving Smith Archives, 1864-1906Correspondence, 1864-1906